B’chol libi, ahalel ot'cha
With all my heart I ‘ll praise You
V’et chayai, akdish l’cha
And consecrate my life to You
Omar Adon ata Eli
And I will say, You are my God
Kavashta et libi
You have captured my heart
B'chol kochi u'me-odi
With all my strength and all my might
Ahalel ot'cha
I'll give praise to You
Hal-le-lu, hal-le-lu, hal-le-lu-jah
Hal-le, hal-le-lu, hal-le-lu, hal-le-lu-jah
Hal-le-lu-jah, hal-le-lu-jah
Hal-le-lu, hal-le-lu, hal-le-lu, hal-le-lu-jah
Hal-le-lu, hal-le-lu, hal-le-lu, hal-le-lu-jah
V'ze nachon et chayai b'yadeicha eten
And it’s true that I will put my life in Your hands
V'ze nachon et chayai b'yadeicha eten
And it’s true that I will put my life in Your hands
V'ze nachon et chayai b'yadeicha eten
And it’s true that I will put my life in Your hands
V'ze nachon et chayai b'yadeicha eten
And it’s true that I will put my life in Your hands
By Sheli Myers